The company that makes people happy with quality foods
JOIN Inc was started from the small chick hatchery in 1979, and it has grown to be the largest company in Korea that specializes in the production of eggs distribution.
JOIN Inc, who carries stick to its conviction of customer service, expands business not only livestock business but also distribution of eco-friendly agricultural products, high-tech greenhouse system of tomato cultivation business, also various food areas including freshwater eel forms and distribution processing. Based on its excellent quality, it is also engaged in egg processing and HMR (home meal) food manufacturing business. We will continue to become one of the best comprehensive food companies that leads the right food culture.
JOIN Inc strives producing reliable and safest products every day to customers. Through production history information system, mandatory marking of egg scattering dates, and selective packaging distribution system, we do our best on the sanitary distribution and quality control of eggs.
Dear, customers
JOIN Inc, who obtained the CCM certification at first in the egg industry, produces all products on the side of the consumer. Also all executives and employees are doing their best to manufacture superior quality products by using a latest technology and inheriting the 40 years knowhow of JOIN Group.
We will become a conscientious company that presents more reliable products and continue to develop consumer-centered management.
Please keep an eye on us and give us a lot of support and encouragement.
In addition, I wish your family happiness and good luck in business management.
Best regards,
JOIN Inc executives and employees